Feb. 24, 2001 - Index, Washington
In a studio among the beautiful mountains of Washington State there is
a studio called "Paradise." It's where we've convened to record (fairly quickly) an album for the
Kerry Lauder Band.
Pictured above are; yours truly, Mary (violin,vox) Isabella (the little one) Chris, Kerry, Rob.
The band has recently found itself bassplayer-less, and since Chris Murphy, their procuder, had just
worked with me (he engineered on the recent CGT tour) he asked me to come and fill in.
Though the tiny town of Index has about as little in it as a town can, there's plenty to photograph,
with the natural wonders of both the mountains and baby Isabella! So when we weren't recording, I was
snapping away - no time to upload to the web page until later.
Here are some shots of the mountains.
Now, if you think those are great shots, take a look at Isabella.
(I couldn't resist combining the two....)
On one day in the studio, I borrowed
one of Isabella's diapers to stuff under the bass strings. I hadn't gone for that "Pampers
sound" since Peter Gabriel's "Don't Give Up" from the So album. Gee,
that was my daughter Maggie's diaper, and she's 16 now, so it must have been 15 years ago!
Seems more recent. I noticed that Pampers have changed a bit, but still effective for my bass
string dampening, I can assure you.
No info at this time about when the album is to be released, but we'll get that up here on the page when it happens
(and a link to where it's sold.)