Spring, 2014

page 10 - Riechenbach & Karlsruhe shows



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Here in Reichenbach for our show tonight

Had a few minutes to walk around town before soundcheck

And, I haven't been showing enough of our bus... it's a major presence on this tour

Backstage, they've got a wild assortment of beverages for us...

some posters to sign...

a little self portrait...

hmm... I must have taken similar pictures a lot, though the years ....
Here's one, from my archives, taken in... 1982 !

Backstage, some of the guys

Our stage backdrop is some draped white cloth... sometimes looks pretty interesting

Here come the drummers to start the show

After the show, a memorable situation:
On arriving in the bus at 10am this morning, we'd all sent our laundry out with a runner from the promoter.
Now, after the show and pack, it's 1am and the laundry finally arrives back to us.. but all 12 bags have been combined together.

And it's all wet!

So we find ourselves gathered around the wet clothes trying to choose our own, ("whose black t-shirt is this?")... followed by getting back on the bus with it, trying to find someplace to hang it to dry.

Not a fun moment. We leave Reichenbach considerably less happy than we entered it.


Morning in Karlsruhe. At the venue with few hours free... rainy day... I've been meaning to get some good photos of the bus!

What's it like inside the bus? Well, there is a lounge, and then 12 bunks, then a small lounge in the back...

As for the lounge, well, it doesn't look so great now that our clothes are out all over the place, drying.

The back lounge is also looking a bit like a laundromat

Inside the venue...

Julie's working on a new stage look...

Packing up

Next up, drive to Mainz, for our show there tomorrow night.

Clothes are all dry, and we're happy campers.

I don't want to look too far ahead, but the next day we'll drive to Essen for a night off, and a hotel room.    Wow!

More soon.



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