Spring, 2014

page 13 - Chieti & Bologna shows




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18 hour bus drive from Prague to Chieti. I'm glad I wasn't driving!

We arrived in the evening...

a bit burnt out from the drive, but our promoters took us out to dinner...

and soon everything was great, as it so often is in Italy.

(This drink may have 100 herbs, as the name implies, but the number to watch out for is the "70", referring to the alcahol percentage!)

After the show, walking to a restaurant (to eat again!) we pass a nice poster for our concert

Like in Prague, I didn't have opportunity to look around and take pictures of the town, so I'll refer those who are interested to my web page from the last time we played in Chieti, as I got some good shots then.

In the morning, we had a press conference

that was in a pretty amazing old theater

Then, over to the old theater we'll be playing in.... Adrian relaxes in a dressing room

And... onstage...


We arrived in Bologna, a bit groggy, the next morning.

Had a bit of a walk from the bus to the theater... in the distance I saw a square where I once stayed for 9 days while making an album. That was in the early 90's, and I wondered if the guitarist is still there every Sunday who drives his Harley Davisson, unfolds a small P.A. system from the sidecar, and sells his albums.

Sure enough, there it is...

Comforting to know some things never change.
And the Neptune statue is as cool as ever...

Our venue, the Auditorium Manzoni, is lovely, with a surprising Ford Mustang in the lobby

Soon enough, we're going onstage

I didn't get many photos tonight.

Pretty interesting, though, after the show, going back out to the walkways that were so crowded this morning with Sunday visitors

and, while the guys pack our gear, I go back to see if Neptune looks as good at night

He does.

Back at the Chieti show, a professional photographer was there the whole day and got some very nice pictures.

Here's a page of those.



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