Vielles Charrues


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    We're BACK... after a short break from the tour.

First stop is a big festival in Brittany - Northern France. We were pleased as we flew in to a nearby city, to see no rain!

A very big crowd at this festival!

Hmm... notice the clouds forming slowly...

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a beautiful rainbow

And... (I have to admit the truth here) ... rain followed right after the rainbow - not the usual order of things, but rain nonetheless.

Not too much,though, and the show was a relatively dry one. I noticed, too, that the audience all had rain gear handy - my view instantly turned more colorful, with bright nylon hoods and multicolor umbrellas appearing in seconds.

We were joined, for the piece In Your Eyes, by Daby Toure, a great singer, who'd toured along with Peter in the past. Great fun to have him back onstage.

Soon we were headed back to the airport - a great show, wonderful, huge crowd. Less rain than at most shows this Summer, and overall a great day.



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