WOMAD Festival Part One


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    WOMAD stands for World Of Music, Art & Dance and it's a great organization that Peter was involved in from the beginning. (More about it at the Womad site.)

And this year's festival in Englad is a most special one, being the anniversary of the organizations beginning. So Peter's been looking forward to being part of the bill.

In England, in Summer of 2007, one does not expect good weather! The rains have followed us, and all the outdoor festivals, all season.

And arriving here at Charleton Park for the show, we were greeted by a mass of mud -- the fields just too waterlogged to deal with all the trucking, equipment, and people.

But there was good news too... no rain! So, though it wasn't the easiest place to get around, the audience enjoyed a relatively dry day!

I have so many photos of the event, and then the concert, I will break them into two web pages.

Here are some shots from around the festival - put on your Wellies and let's go!

Well, that's the audience gathering for our part of the show...

Off with the boots, into stage clothes. Put the boots back on, slog to the stage area, then backstage, boots off, shoes on, ready to play!

Lots of Womad acts are going to join us on stage - here is a shot from backstage, and then it'll have to be a new page for photos from the show.



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