Page 12 - Mexico City


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    March 27 - Mexico City

We're recovered from our jungle trip and ready for a big show in the stadium Foro Sol.

Soundcheck was sunny and hot - about the hottest I can remember being onstage.

After that heat, (as Peter went off to meet with the President!) we enjoyed a cool lounge area to do what we do most!

Getting closer to show time, I wandered to the edge of the stage to see the stadium filling up.

And soon, time to go on!

The started out with a bang. On "Steam" (as had happened once before) the shooting steam malfunctioned, and a spray of what looks like dried ice went high in the air - then it immediately melted and came down onto the stage as rain, drenching the front of the stage in water.

Oh, here is the cover of the next morning's paper:



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