Spring, 2014

page 12 - Helsinki


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It's been awhile since I got to visit here in Helsinki.

We're staying near the harbor, so I grabbed a few shots, but didn't feel ambitious enough to really wander around and see things.

I like the pillows in the hotel lobby!

Over at the arena...

stage cleaning...

trying (still) to track down the elusive random noise in the bass signal

(which calls for two photos - it takes a lot to stump these guys!)

At hospitality backstage, a couple of Finnish musicians who attended our Three of a Perfect Pair music camp, last Summer, (and will be coming again this August!)

I always look, during the show, to see if I can get a photo of the spot operators... but they're so much in the dark it hasn't work out.
Here, looking overhead before going on, I can at least see their shoes!

Here's the audience

I only noticed this after the show, when looking over my pictures: At some point in the show, this lady in white stood up and began dancing

then she was joined by a few others..

and more...

until it was pretty much a standing audience!

pretty cool how one person can influence so many.



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