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           Out on the road with the " GROWING UP" TOUR

June 1 - Spain - Barcelona

Here it is, the last show of the Europe tour, and possibly the last ever performance with the heaven stage, including upside down Downside Up, circling tv camera Barry Williams Show, giant descending egg, and more. (I'm sure the plastic ball will be seen again in other settings.)

As befits a final show, there were some small surprises, and a lot of nice support from some fans who had been to many of the shows.

Before going onstage, Peter gathered the whole crew for a nice thank you talk.


A shark appeared, from the audience, to accompany the boat in Mercy Street.


Ever wonder what happens understage when the ball sinks down after Growing Up?

Here's what we see.


There was a contingent of ape advocates during Animal Nation.


A crew introduction showing rather large mouth (I suspect the ball-blowing pump was used here!)          
And, unpictured, I was given a large red sombrero to wear during Sledgehammer.




Then the English players in the band did "a runner" to catch a late night flight back home - the Americans stayed on to fly tomorrow.


A day or two off at home to recover (and do laundry) and we will start the U.S. Tour.

May 29 - Poland - Poznan

Arriving for Peter Gabriel's first ever concert in Poland, we found unseasonably hot weather. As warm as it had been in Nice, in the south of France.

Finding some special Polish vodka to bring home took most of my free time.


Then we went to the Lech Stadium for an afternoon soundcheck - setting up some different equipment (we hadn't been able to bring it all) and making plans for the different stage show - without the big production elements.

On the stage, in the broiling sun, it was, well...




(Is that what they call a tin flutist?)

But, of course, things cooled down in the evening,


and the enthusiasm of the Polish audience was something very special.





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