This is about the nicest music festival, to attend or to be in, that I know.
It features musicians from all over the world, often put together in combinations you don't usually see.
The city of Quebec is beautiful, and with concerts on many of the streets and squares, just wandering the city is a joy.

It rained off and on, but the changable weather didn't dampen spirits at all.

My concerts in this years festival were quite varied. Two days of shows with the California Guitar,
then, on Sunday, July 13th, three different shows with different groups. More on that day later, but here are some reports of the first
two days:
I'd played many times with the trio, but it was their first time with Jerry Marotta on drums. So, on arrival (on July 10th) we had
a quick rehearsal at our hotel. Jerry had done a great job on his homework, which included learning some difficult pieces he'd
never played, like Heart of the Sunrise and Mahavishnu's Dance of Maya.
The next day came quick, and in no time we were playing our fist show, at the Capitole Theater in the old city.

To say the show went well is an understatement. It was terrific!

The next day, Saturday the 12th, I had an appearance at a music store,
and then, late at night, a very different kind of show, with two sets at the Pub St. Alexandre.

Small, and intensely crowded, it was another big success.(Jerry, in his drum solo, drummed on the music stand, the wall, and
even the Guinness poster beside him.)
At about 3am, we returned to our hotel rooms, tired but happy, and tried to get some rest for Sunday's activities.
I don't think
I've every had a day quite like Sunday, and it probably rates a separate page of it's own!