Spring, 2015

Tour Diary
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May 16, San Salvador, El Salvador

Flew into El Salvador, had some lunch, and got right to soundcheck at the club ...

I got very few pictures today...

(hmm... some big name acts playing at this pub!)

But... May 17, San Salvador...

on our day off here, we were driven up to the sometimes active 'Volcán Izalco' (pictured above), the Parque Nacional Cerro Verde, and Lago Coatehepeque.

You'd have to be a terrible photographer not to get some good images from here!

On the drive up into the mountains, coffee trees beside the road. Yum! They were flowering, no beans yet, so nothing to take a taste of... but I'm told they're 'arabica' type of coffee, a crucial ingredient of the espresso I love to drink. Good to see it in it's original state.

Tomorrow we'll have another day off, though a less adventurous one - good idea to rest up for the long trip to Chile, where we'll be excited to play again at Teatro Nescafe de las Artes in Santiago.

More soon.


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