Stick Men in Sweden
November 2009
Page 2 - Shows around Sweden


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     After our show with Isildurs Bane in Halmstad, we have shows on our own booked in Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenburg.

I discovered at the Stockholm soundcheck that my camera has broken. Well, not completely broken, just the viewing screen is unintelligible - I tried some photos and when downloaded they were fine. So for the rest of this tour I'll be taking photos by just holding up the camera - no way to check the focus or exposure. Should be interesting!

We really like the jazz club, called Fasching, in Stockholm.

After the show, van packing is always interesting!

Not many shots, right? For most of the night I didn't realize the camera could even work.

Here are a few photos I took around Sweden:

I call this one vodka with setlist!

And I call this one lost in a hotel maze

Next gig was in Malmo - I'd never played here before.
Lovely theater in the middle of town.

Some good publicity from the promoters helped fill the venue.

We've started each doing solo segments in the show, so I now have a chance to get shots of the other guys

Tomw. on to Gothenburg, and the last show of our little Sweden tour.

Very little time to take photos tonite --- re-packing things for travel tomorrow...

Here is Jan, who did a great job with our sound in Sweden...

And here's Michael, before realizing that Gothenburg has little to do with Goth!


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