Page 9 - a Page of Oddities


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    Our long and winding road!

With all the travel we've done in the last week, there were some photos and videos that just didn't fit into the pages about rehearsals or shows.

Here they are.

We're flying in a private plane on this tour.

Excitement is rampant, as you can see...

Though, we do have our moments....

(The music was 'flown in' from one of the StickMan re-mixes.) I'd say that video demonstrates one of the major differences between private flights and commercial ones!

Some random pics:

Here's a gem: this toilet was provided backstage in Peter's dressing room at a gig. A real throne ..maybe they took the Big Time lyrics literally...

We were impressed!

I'm not the only one around here with a camera!

(Beans for lunch?)

On the way to Peru, we flew over a part of the Amazon river where we're going to go in a few days, for an adventure on our day off.

Even from the plane it looked unusual and exciting.

Here is a video of right where we'll be:

Back at a hotel. Hmm... is Richard getting ready for our jungle trip early, or have we started a game of Jumanji??

In fact, all the guys are looking pretty ready for a safari...

The girls look a little less jungle-ready

And me? Well, I'm told we can't bring much into the Rain Forest - in my hotel room I've laid out the items I plan on bringing.

Here, I've shot a video of myself to show my efforts. I call it "How to Pack for the Jungle"

At this point on the page I usually write 'more soon' ... but this time I'll write:
I sincerely hope there will be more diary updates, after we emerge from the Amazon - likely with some road photos unlike any I've had before.


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