HoBoLeMa Tour
EUROPE April 2010
Page 7 - Milan & Zurich


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    No doubt we're in Italy now!

This club, on the outskirts of Milano, has a music festival going on today, and the tent nearby has lots of guitars on display - I'd have liked to visit, but too many people, here for the concert, were going to recognize me.

Jeff Aug, one of the managers booking our tour, arrived today for a few days on the tour -- we put him right to work!

Not many photos today, and some special grappa to celebrate with after the show!

Morning finds us leaving for Zurich (yes, re-tracing the route we drove yesterday, through Switzerland.)

In Zurich, a nice club, called Moods.

With the dressing room upstairs in the back of the club, I tried to get a shot of the stage before we went on... mixed success.

And, during the show, so little light that my audience shots were pretty blurred.

Even onstage, not much light for photos!

But at the end, slightly better

And, afterwards, equipment back in the van - tomorrow is our first day off of the tour (having done 14 shows without a break so far.)

That day off will consist mostly of a long drive to Vienna - but then hopefully a dinner out, and, best part, no travel the following show day!


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