JAPAN TOUR Sept 2009


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Headed for the Osaka train.

I should mention that our fabulous road manager and sound engineer is Paul Mitchell - the very tall presence in many of these pictures.

Oh oh... a pet shop on the walk to the venue... Steve may be considering bringing home a puppy!

And, I haven't yet introduced you to Naoju Nakamura, who is often taking photos of us. But he's more than the photographer - he is the promoter who has graciously brought the band to Japan.

Caught ya, Naoju!

Morning had a little rain -- the first day here that hasn't been lovely weather.

David and I spotted a Tokyu Hands store near the hotel. It'd take me too long to describe the wonders within, but we were there as it opened, to witness the unique Japanese ritual of the employees all bowing as the first customers enter.

In Fukui, for the last show of our Japan tour.


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