North America May 2010
Page 5 - Minneapolis, Milwaukee


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    Okay, today's drive was a looong one! Chicago to Minneapolis also has not much to look at... so we were happy to arrive, and a new venue for all of us, the Cedar Cultural Center.

At the venue, met up with ...

He's bald, he's a Stick player, an Eastman grad... wait, it's not me... it's my old buddy William Eddins (just off the plane from Edmunton where he conducts the symphony.)

We discussed his coming onstage for a jam on Elephant Talk... but it didn't arise, cause we altered the set (again) and didn't do that piece.

(Yeah, curry for dinner.) (Yeah, it DID do an encore during the show!)

Okay, I'll admit it - we had 'padded' the audience a little, with this doll we found backstage. Hey, it's a Sunday night, we expected a lot of empty seats!
(she looked kind of lonely at the end during cleanup.)

A bit of a drive the next day brought us to Milwaukee, where I was somewhat comforted by the sight of Vinyl Man there to greet us, as always, outside the venue.

Last time playing here, I must have signed over a hundred LP's for him. The big mystery is how he found more after that -- I sure haven't been playing on a lot of new vinyl recordings!

Now... Milwaukee means Shank Hall, which brings a smile to the face of any fan of Spinal Tap (which means, any rock musician!)

The bathrooms are framed in subtle Stonehenge molding

and a nicely undersized logo underwhelms the stage...

But we enjoyed the backstage cutouts as well

Yes, I've been here before.
And hope I will be again!

(note: our board tapes of the Minneapolis and Milwaukee shows can be downloaded at


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